Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Choosing His Path

Occasionally, I get small glimpses of God's character when I'm not looking for them. Traveling home from a trip to speak truth to a loved on, I had one of these moments as I recollect the conversation we had.

I have found myself upon my knees thanking God for His endless grace and mercy and in awe of how much He truly loves us. Before each of us a path is laid for us to choose. We can choose the one of least resistance, although it may require sacrifice, or we can opt for the path that is an endless loop of ups and downs, moments when it appears we have peace until another storm comes to pass.

Personally, I have found myself on each of these paths at various times in my life. When I’ve chosen the loop, it’s almost like a hamster on its exercise wheel, going in circles that end in the same place. God has always had another way for me, for each of us. The way is easy and His load is light, but it always requires something for us to stop the hamster wheel and follow His path.

Based on my season, it has been my pride or my perception of control. Thinking that I can do it myself and don't need the help God has provided me through Himself or others in my path. Other seasons have revealed my desire of accolades and praise, looking at myself to see what I have accomplished, never giving the glory to God in His abundant generosity to allow me to be His servant.

In this season, I find doubt creeping in. It's the little things that cause us to doubt. How will something be accomplished? In our case it can vary from fundraising, packing up all our things, or just deciding what goes with us and what is given away. One can easily be overwhelmed by all the questions and doubt, and if you let it creep in too much, it can paralyze you to not choose the path God has planned for each of us.

God is such a loving Father. He sets a path in front of us to follow His Son or continue our own way. I'm amazed that every time we choose our own way, He is still there waiting for us, just giving us another opportunity to choose His way.

I find myself grateful today. Many times I have gone my own way but He has patiently been there waiting for me, showing me the way down the path of least resistance as I hold His hand and follow His lead. As the Lord has done with me, He does with each of us; so as I watch loved ones remain on their own wheel, I continue to be thankful that He will continue to present His path to them. When we are willing to see the light, submit ourselves to His love for us and see that He loves us more than we could ever imagine, all I can say is “What a gracious God we serve!”

Lord, I thank you for who you are and for all the times you have redirected me when I’ve chosen my own way. I know that as your will lies before me, I will stumble and fall but am thankful that you will be there each step of the way, guiding me as you always have. I pray that I will always to continue to choose your path and not my own. I pray that others choose to see your light and follow you. To see that your way will always provide what they need for that day. Thank you for taking my hand each day, for guiding me and for above all, loving me enough to sacrifice your son Jesus. Amen.

Update: When I first wrote this, I was feeling discouraged. As I saw my own loved one leaning toward the wrong direction, I also found in myself that I was allowing doubt in my heart and questioning why God was leading us along this path, too. I hope you don’t find this unnatural. Many days we are overjoyed by the Lord allowing us to be His instruments and serve Him in Zambia.  But there are days that it is overwhelming and it feels like another layer is being revealed and we need to shed off our old selves to reflect His new creation.

So the following morning this was written. I was reminded of how good God is. I received an unsolicited message from a relative that was so encouraging and a reminder of why we are walking along this path. An hour later, we also received another monthly donor to add to this journey. All I can say is “Thank you, Lord, for reminding me that when I doubt, your hand is on this journey.”

We are still in need of monthly sponsors and hope that you will join us in Zambia by providing for us financially, in addition to your prayers. Our house will officially be on the market in the next week and we are progressing with making our load light to follow when He calls us to leave for Zambia.

If you would like to give toward our daily bread, please click on the “Donate” button on the blog to proceed to the Every Orphan's Hope website.

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