Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Glory to Him

About a week ago, I finished a biography about George Muller, an 1800's missionary who provided for orphans in Bristol, England. I was completely inspired by his faith in the Lord's provision. If you don't know his story, during his adult life he cared for thousands of orphans. To sum up how he did this, one simple word: "Prayer." Quoted in the Liverpool Mercury upon his death: "How was this wonder accomplished? Mr. Muller has told the world that it was the result of 'Prayer.' The rationalism of the day (which is still here today) will sneer at this declaration; but the facts remain."

I won't be a complete spoiler if you want to read his story, but his prayer life inspired me. God's provision was always there for him no matter the circumstance. I'm sure there were times that it wasn't as apparent as others but he showed a steadfast faith that caught my admiration.

My prayers changed as soon as I read his story. Instead of saying, "God, IF you want this please send supporters"; I changed to "God, you have lead us on this path and I trust you completely. We know you will provide. Please grow my faith in your promised provisions. Help me be steadfast just as George Muller."

This has become my constant prayer and it is one that will only show glory and not anything that I did. This is what I long to see. In my rational mind, I don't know how He provides, but I know He does and I know He will.

So fast forward to yesterday. (Does that even make sense?)

God is SO GOOD! That sums it up. He placed someone in my path yesterday that I had never met before and vice versa. We just started talking about our girls in their gymnastics classes. I was content to have that conversation and leave it at that, but God had other plans. It started simple; I shared how He led us to home school the girls. No big deal.

Then, He just laid it on my heart, so simple: "Tell her what I have called your family to do."

My response might surprise you: "REALLY! Can't I just be a 'normal' person for once?" When I say "normal," what I really mean is to be worldly minded and not heavenly minded at that moment. Those of you that know me; well, you know what I did. I started my internal arguing with God. It went something like this:

Can't I just sit here and watch Brittan do her gymnastics?
I mean really, this lady doesn't want to know about this.
To tell the truth, God, I just don't feel like it today. I'm tired of telling the story; I just want to be.

And so on and so forth I go; but I always lose these arguments and all I can say is, "Thank you God for always winning."

So, it starts with the simplest comment of whenever we look back at our lives, we can see God's fingerprints all over it from why He led us down the path of homeschooling the girls. And it begins...

But here is the amazing thing. It's what she told me in the end. This dear woman looked at me and said:

"I have been praying to God to give me an opportunity to be a good steward with my money. I have a generous heart and want to give for His kingdom." She said she was so glad she sat down and started talking to me because God led her to me. As she and I parted ways, she said "I will be giving to your family to help you serve Him in Zambia. I don't know what it will be, but God will let me know just as He has led me here today."

So can I just say WHOA!

When I told Peter about this, he said, "Both of your prayers collided, can you see it?" I didn't see it that way but he was right. Both of us were praying to God to be obedient in some form. In my case to trust in His provision and in hers to find a way to provide.

So often I have sat there and prayed for things but in the end I would say: "Well, I did this; I put together that; I sent out this; I talked to them...." Do you see a pattern? 
I like to sing it in scale: "me, me, me, me, me, me, me." LOOK AT ME!!! 

We forget so often that we have done very little. God gives us each a path and we choose which one we would like. He's on each path, but some lead us along rockier ground than others. But whatever that path is, we will continue "Choosing His Path."

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God." Philippians 4:6 (ESV)

I did originally want to give you all an update to where we are with the house sale and fundraising; but I'm thankful to share God moving.

The quick update is that we are at $790 monthly which is just a bit shy of 10% funded. Our house is under contract and has a closing date of Sept. 19. We will move in with friends as we complete the fundraising process and all that's left is for Peter to give notice to his job. What does that mean? We could be on Zambian ground within 45-60 days.

Is God moving your heart just as He did with the woman that I met this week? We are in need of your partnership and are officially free to leave when we are funded. Were you waiting for precisely this moment before you wanted to give?

Please click on the DONATE button on this blog to give toward our Daily Bread if you would also like to show God's provision to us.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Our True North

Often, we get the question as to why we are willing to serve in Zambia. Is it because of Every Orphan's Hope or the relations we've built with the kids in the My Father's House homes? Or maybe it's just that we're going through some sort of mid-life crisis. (I'm actually saying that politely. I think most people look at us like we are nuts!) And that could be the case. When we had our next set of kids (Alyson and Brittan), everyone thought we were nuts too because as they said, "Danielle is 16 and you're almost free!" But our response was that we didn't have anything else to do and we were too young to have an empty nest; so why not?

So why are we doing this? Our dear friend and founder of Every Orphan's Hope, Gary Schneider, visited us a few days ago as he had returned from Zambia and he asked the same question. It was a simple question, why are you going to Zambia? Now, we could have come up with a whole array of different responses: We love the organization; we can see ourselves doing this; we love the kids; we get to further the kingdom, et cetera and so forth. But in the end as we sat there for a moment and tried to come up with one reason, Peter and I found the one that was at its core: We're being obedient. God has asked us to serve there so we are going. It's that simple. Gary calls that our true north, what we always need to point to when we get off center with the storms that will come as we transition to become full-time missionaries.

Obedience is an interesting process; it's like peeling layers. As Shrek said, "Ogres are like onions, they have layers." The peeling of each layer brings a new sting, some sweet and others sharp. Our newest layer of obedience is the sale of our house. Whoa!
Sorry, I couldn't resist putting him in here explaining how Ogres are like onions to Donkey!

One would think that this was a huge layer, but we actually found that this was one layer of many that has been occurring over the last few years. Ever since we had our first mission trip to Zambia we've simplified each year, not realizing how easy it would make things precisely for this moment.

Now, the actual putting the house on the market was a huge step because it is truly the first step of faith and what a step it has been. It comes with a sweet and sharp sting. The sharp one is obvious, there are memories in each room.

Alyson with Grandma just a few weeks old
I walked through Alyson's room today and remembered the hours Peter and I spent at Barnes and Nobles looking through room décor. I remembered sitting in the rocker in her room after it was complete admiring his handiwork. Then the picture of his mom holding Alyson in the same room rocking her to sleep. It was also in that same rocker that I watched her sleeping peacefully in my arms and realized Peter was right and we needed to have siblings. Hence Brittan came along.

We had to go in to touch up paint in Brittan's room the other day. She's our spirited one! God really has a sense of humor; I think He loves to laugh because she is comedic. If we had stayed in this house much longer, we would have had to repaint the whole room as she may have colored on all the walls or hit something up against them as she is known as "rough and tumble."

Danielle, our oldest, is quick to remind everyone that outside of the master bedroom, she was the first to occupy each room as her own in the house before we had the other two girls. We just kept moving her into the bigger ones. It was a good trade off.

What's interesting though is that it's sweet, too. We were placed in that house through a blessing. When we found the empty lot, the builders didn't even know they owned it. They had already moved out of the neighborhood and we wanted that particular builder. This home happened to be just down the street from our church, Preston Ridge Baptist Church, which is where we started our true obedience to the Lord. His fingerprints are all over that house. It reflects how He has grown throughout our lives for precisely this moment.

The sweetness of selling the house is how freeing it feels. We are able to serve the Lord with complete abandonment. Whether He says right, left or straight ahead, now we can say, "Yes, Lord." We don't have anything holding us down. We are truly portable to be His hands and feet. So Amazing!

Each step in obedience has actually not held us back but opened up a whole new world of opportunities. We are both finding that as we say "yes" there has been something on the other side of that response that is sweeter than ever imagined.

Is there anything you are holding back from saying, "Yes, Lord! Whatever you ask, it's yours"? It may sting a little or a lot, but ultimately it's freeing to give it all to Him. After all, it was all His to begin with and in the end it will be His again.

Please pray for us that we are able to continue to say YES each day as He continues to lead us to serve in Zambia and follow our true north of being obedient to Him.

In addition, please pray for how you can see yourself along with us in this journey. Our house received 4 offers in less than 24 hours, so we will officially be ready to leave in less than 2 months. As our layers continue to peel, do you have a layer in this too? We are still in need of committed partners like you to send us for God's work in Zambia. Can you see yourself peeling a layer and saying, "Yes, Lord, I will send."

Friday, August 9, 2013

Joining God in Zambia

Part of our extended Zambian family

Over the last few weeks, Peter and I have had multiple conversations about what we will be doing with Every Orphan's Hope and how someone can come in as a committed partner to support us on our daily bread. I'm amazed at all the opportunities that God has given us to speak about the work He is doing in Zambia to provide for the orphans and widows.

I am reminded of a conversation with a dear friend at church as to how depending upon God for our daily bread is possible and what his family's part is in this journey along with us. He was also concerned with the big picture and couldn't see how his small part could make a difference.

The answer was much simpler than one would have expected, which is always the case when you look at it from a different perspective.

So I posed this question to my friend. How often do you go out to eat? It was a rhetorical question, but it's a starting point. Now based on where you go, how much do you spend as a family? Well, that can range, whether you go to like McDonald's or to a sit down restaurant. So what, you're looking at anywhere from $25-$75 or more based on what you order and how big your family is; if you have teenage boys that makes a difference, too.

Many of you are already seeing where I'm going with this. Do you go to a restaurant once a week, some of us more than that based on our schedules? So I asked him, could you give up one of those outings to support a missionary family each month? And then as a family, could that just be your spaghetti night for the month and also in that time, could you pray for our family? What a blessing that would be to us to be remembered once a month by your whole family through your own sacrificial giving and your prayers.

Can you see a small picture of how you can be a part of this, no matter how small the amount?

By no means are we asking others to sacrifice their whole livelihood to support us. You have families and desires just as we do, but as with any path that God leads each of us on, a small sacrifice is what allows us to reflect the light of Jesus. Over the last few years God has grown us to this point to be His instruments and we have been exactly where some of you are now in regards to sacrificial giving. We have had the struggles to give wholeheartedly with tithing, sponsoring orphans through Every Orphan's Hope and sponsoring short-term missionaries from our church. As we take this big step of faith, will you also take a big step by joining us?

We know many of you are praying about this and God has been laying it on your heart to help us. Others of you are still not sure how this works so we thought maybe breaking this down a bit more would be helpful.

In order to raise what we need, not only for our daily living expenses but also the part we are taking to raise for the work of the ministry in Zambia, here is how you could fit in.

In regards to sponsors for our daily bread we need:

20 partners at $100 per month (already committed 1)
20 partners at $50 per month (already committed 4)
50 partners at $40 per month (already committed 3)
50 partners at $30 per month (already committed 1)
40 partners at $25 per month (already committed 1)
30 partners at $20 per month (already committed 2)

Can you see somewhere that you could fit into here?

As you are looking at your own way to sacrificially give, here is an update as to where we are in the process of serving in Zambia. Our house will officially go on the market next Thursday, August 15 and we anticipate a quick sale based on the market here in Frisco, TX. Once we move out, probably around September, we have been blessed by a family in our church to let us come live with them for an indefinite amount of time until we are funded. While we are waiting, we will be in the process of sending our household items to Zambia, whatever can fit in a 20-foot container. Since it will take about 3 months for it to arrive, our hope is that we will arrive around the same time as our furniture does. But we cannot even start that next step without a commitment from you towards our daily bread. Will you join us as a committed partner?

Please click on the "Donate" button on the side of this blog if you will join us as partners in Zambia.

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:17 (ESV)

Saying goodbye to our girls

Peter with one of our boys in Zambia sharing gifts from his sponsors

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Choosing His Path

Occasionally, I get small glimpses of God's character when I'm not looking for them. Traveling home from a trip to speak truth to a loved on, I had one of these moments as I recollect the conversation we had.

I have found myself upon my knees thanking God for His endless grace and mercy and in awe of how much He truly loves us. Before each of us a path is laid for us to choose. We can choose the one of least resistance, although it may require sacrifice, or we can opt for the path that is an endless loop of ups and downs, moments when it appears we have peace until another storm comes to pass.

Personally, I have found myself on each of these paths at various times in my life. When I’ve chosen the loop, it’s almost like a hamster on its exercise wheel, going in circles that end in the same place. God has always had another way for me, for each of us. The way is easy and His load is light, but it always requires something for us to stop the hamster wheel and follow His path.

Based on my season, it has been my pride or my perception of control. Thinking that I can do it myself and don't need the help God has provided me through Himself or others in my path. Other seasons have revealed my desire of accolades and praise, looking at myself to see what I have accomplished, never giving the glory to God in His abundant generosity to allow me to be His servant.

In this season, I find doubt creeping in. It's the little things that cause us to doubt. How will something be accomplished? In our case it can vary from fundraising, packing up all our things, or just deciding what goes with us and what is given away. One can easily be overwhelmed by all the questions and doubt, and if you let it creep in too much, it can paralyze you to not choose the path God has planned for each of us.

God is such a loving Father. He sets a path in front of us to follow His Son or continue our own way. I'm amazed that every time we choose our own way, He is still there waiting for us, just giving us another opportunity to choose His way.

I find myself grateful today. Many times I have gone my own way but He has patiently been there waiting for me, showing me the way down the path of least resistance as I hold His hand and follow His lead. As the Lord has done with me, He does with each of us; so as I watch loved ones remain on their own wheel, I continue to be thankful that He will continue to present His path to them. When we are willing to see the light, submit ourselves to His love for us and see that He loves us more than we could ever imagine, all I can say is “What a gracious God we serve!”

Lord, I thank you for who you are and for all the times you have redirected me when I’ve chosen my own way. I know that as your will lies before me, I will stumble and fall but am thankful that you will be there each step of the way, guiding me as you always have. I pray that I will always to continue to choose your path and not my own. I pray that others choose to see your light and follow you. To see that your way will always provide what they need for that day. Thank you for taking my hand each day, for guiding me and for above all, loving me enough to sacrifice your son Jesus. Amen.

Update: When I first wrote this, I was feeling discouraged. As I saw my own loved one leaning toward the wrong direction, I also found in myself that I was allowing doubt in my heart and questioning why God was leading us along this path, too. I hope you don’t find this unnatural. Many days we are overjoyed by the Lord allowing us to be His instruments and serve Him in Zambia.  But there are days that it is overwhelming and it feels like another layer is being revealed and we need to shed off our old selves to reflect His new creation.

So the following morning this was written. I was reminded of how good God is. I received an unsolicited message from a relative that was so encouraging and a reminder of why we are walking along this path. An hour later, we also received another monthly donor to add to this journey. All I can say is “Thank you, Lord, for reminding me that when I doubt, your hand is on this journey.”

We are still in need of monthly sponsors and hope that you will join us in Zambia by providing for us financially, in addition to your prayers. Our house will officially be on the market in the next week and we are progressing with making our load light to follow when He calls us to leave for Zambia.

If you would like to give toward our daily bread, please click on the “Donate” button on the blog to proceed to the Every Orphan's Hope website.