Dear Friends,
What a path God has set our family upon since 2009 as we first began responding to His leading to serve with Every Orphan's Hope! If you have read the "Our Story," you have gotten a brief glimpse of how God has been leading us to serve as full-time orphan-care missionaries in Zambia. While in Zambia, we will do a number of things, some of which include assessing and supervising repair and maintenance of the My Father's House Orphan Homes, serving as team leaders for short-term missionaries, mentors to interns who serve throughout the year and this is just the obvious duties. We will be support staff, not only to the Zambian, but also the the US staff in whatever needs arise throughout our service. That is essentially the key word, we are going over there as servants of our Lord, Jesus Christ, so in whatever means are needed we will serve. We will not have any specific job title as we have no desire to be limited in our capacity to be servants of God and of the Lord, Jesus Christ.
As we follow His leading to serve as full-time orphan care missionaries in Zambia with Every Orphan's Hope we are inviting you to also join alongside us in two essential ways.
First and foremost, our family needs prayerful support. We know that all things are possible with God as we strive to continually stay in the center of His will, no matter where He leads us. At times, this is difficult as we prepare to move to Zambia as a family, because we leave behind a 23-year-old daughter, Danielle, parents, siblings and dear friends that have walked alongside us every step of the way. We know that your prayers will bring us the comfort when needed and the strength to continue on as we draw nearer to our departure. Your continued prayers will also be needed when we do arrive on the ground as we not only adjust to the Zambian culture, but also to reflect the light of Christ in all our actions and words. We are learning each day that developing a servant heart is an ongoing process so prayers are always needed.
Secondly, we are in need of financial support. This is just as necessary as we prepare to do the tasks that have been set before us. This year our goal will be to raise $100,000 for Every Orphan's Hope to provide support for our family, for Peter to administer the repairs and maintenance on the My Father's House Orphan Homes and for our community outreach of Camp Hope.
So what does this look like?
One-time donations are appreciated, but we pray that many of you will want to join alongside us and Every Orphan's Hope with a long-term financial commitment. If you find through prayer that God is leading you to join along with us, click the "Donate" button to make a one-time donation or to make a monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or yearly commitment. A commitment from you gives our family financial security, as we will be solely dependent on sponsors like you each day as we serve.
We thank you for your prayers and support as we follow God's leading as a family.
Peter, Cheryl, Alyson & Brittan Greif