Saturday, July 13, 2013

Official Support Letter

Just a quick note to share some very exciting news with you!

Thank you for prayerfully and financially supporting us as we served these past four summers in Zambia. Each year, God has been so faithful to us, and so have you. We have asked God to lead us in a direction that would allow us to serve and develop a deeper relationship with Him and He has answered our prayer.

God is growing our faith in ways we never imagined! As the needs of Every Orphan’s Hope grow and change in Zambia, we have seen God uniquely grow our faith and change our desires as well. We are faithfully responding to God’s invitation and calling to serve as orphan care missionaries. Our decision to obediently say “yes” came after much prayer. We are wholeheartedly committed to Christ and this journey of faith that He has for our family.

Serving as orphan care missionaries in Zambia will be full-time ministries for both of us. As orphan care missionaries our job will entail but not be limited to:

-          Outreach: Reaching orphans with the gospel of Christ primarily through the Camp Hope ministry and other types of community/local church-based activities.
-          Discipleship: Mentoring the orphans through the My Father’s House homes, Camp Hope participants and other orphans through community and church-based outreach programs.
-          Practical Help: Included would be maintenance of the My Father’s House homes, administrative support and organization.

In the past, you have graciously committed to our serving in Zambia with one-time donations. We are now coming to you with a different request. We ask that you join us as committed financial partners in this work the Lord has called us to accomplish through Every Orphan’s Hope.  

Will you join us as partners with what God is doing in Zambia? We thank you in advance for prayerfully considering how we can partner together for the sake of the Gospel of Christ and the orphans in Zambia.

We’ll follow up with you soon and look forward to sharing more details as well as answering any questions about our journey and our ministry!

In His Service,
Peter & Cheryl Greif

How can you join us in God’s work in Zambia?

Consider visiting us in Zambia! Quit laughing, you may have a desire to one day visit your sponsored child or just serve in the off season. We would love to have you come stay with us and serve alongside us.

For us, our extended family that we leave here in the states as this is a huge transition for each of us. Also that all the work we do here in our preparations and then serving in Zambia will always reflect God’s glory.

By your giving, you will be providing for us our daily living expenses. We anxiously wait to see God’s provision and see him saying, “Yes, I will provide for you!” Giving toward our Daily Bread through Every Orphan’s Hope will continue to confirm His desire for us to serve in Zambia as orphan care missionaries.

In order to give toward our Daily Bread:

Click on the “Donate” tab at the top of the page.

Chose the selection “Peter & Cheryl Greif Daily Bread.”

Fill in your donation amount and frequency, along with your contact and payment information.

Although one-time donations are appreciated, by committing to a monthly pledge, you create a stability that enables us to focus more on serving and less on fundraising. Knowing that we will have a commitment throughout the year will also enable to set an official departure date.

Our initial commitment to Every Orphan’s Hope will be 3-year term which will be reviewed annually.

Follow us:
Facebook: Peter-Cheryl Greif

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