It is hard to write this, but as a family we are not able to move to Zambia and serve with Every Orphan’s Hope in the capacity that we had anticipated and prepared for. To those of you who know us intimately, you already know this; but to many of you who have either followed this blog or our family Facebook posts, we’ve been quiet about this for the last 6 months.
During that time, we had hoped that our break was just a temporary one from the pressure of entering the mission field, fundraising and all the preparation that we had done up to that point. But as time past, we saw that as a couple, Peter and I were and are still not theologically prepared for the mission field. This has been a very difficult pill to swallow and there are some very personal reasons as to why, but they are personal. We hope you all can respect that.
So what does that mean now..
Well, not too much has changed.
Ok, so we sold our house and one of our cars; but we’ve found a wonderful town home to rent and the process of downsizing was so refreshing as we had the ability to refocus our lives from things to relationships with others. Peter bought a used Honda and it has actually worked out better as we are starting to take girls to different activities over the weekends. Selling the house wasn't the end of the world as it would seem after all. Even living in limbo the last year or so has really taught us some lessons that we are thankful for.
Needless to say, all of this has been an adjustment and this is also the reason why it has taken so long to write this last blog. As Mr. Banks sings in Mary Poppins “It’s quite a bitter pill to take”
We are so thankful for the support we have had from our friends and church during this process and although this door is closing; it’s not completely shut.
I have returned to my former position with the ministry as Program Manager for Short-Term Missions and Interns and have started taking on a few extra responsibilities as they fit my strengths. I am returning to my original blog that I began after my first mission trip. It’s a bit light right now, but I fully expect to see it grow as it will various topics that still focus on Zambia and Every Orphan’s Hope! God has blessed me with a heart for this ministry and until He moves me elsewhere this is where I will continue to serve. Feel free to check in from time to time if you’d like’m looking forward to reopening that door.
With all this said, the greifsinzambia blog is officially closed for the present. May it be a short closing but if not, still to God be the glory. No one said it would be easy if they made the Lord the master of their steps, but it has had it blessings along the way so I will continue to count them and not look back with any regret.
I know some of you may say I didn’t need to write this, that you needed no explanation. You’re right. I really didn’t write this for you, but for my own closure.
To God be the glory in everything I do.
Cheryl Greif